We managed to find that when we took a trip to Hampstead Heath such an amazing view! Took a while to find it but it was worth it in the end! I've also been to visit my friend in kingston, stayed with my brother and met up with my mum in london and now I'm back in my little village in Leicestershire for a few days!

I do have something fashion related to blog about though! As I have been assisting Emma Bell since February i got to go and help her out with the styling for a photo shoot the other day. Again it was for Notion Magazine but this time it was for an advert for Puma. Puma are one of Notions sponsors so they sent over loads of stuff which we had to make four looks out of, two for a girl and two for a guy.

It was a fun shoot and was shot outside on location which was really nice as the london sun was beaming and it was very very hot! I'm looking forward to seeing the final images i think they will look really cool, and Puma had a few really hot pieces who knew they were going all fashion now!
Love London in the summer, the sun can be so hot!! Your blog is really interesting!! Love all the 'behind-the-scenes' info!! :)
oooh whipped a cheeky behind the scenes shot...I LOVE IT!
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