Finally presented and handed in our group collection today! Presentation was pretty petrifying fashion tutors are so scary sometimes, but hey at least its done now! I have managed to enjoy my night without any work with a trip to a local pub for strawberry beer and great company! Off to bed now though! We get our briefing for the final collection tomorrow....OH MY GOD.
Emma Box,
Final collection,
group collection
Mood Board
Just made a quick mood board to go with the group collection project we made one at the start but it was pretty rough and just images stuck down so i thought it would be more professional to whack one up on photoshop. I just made it while eating my dinner! I've been working hard all day!

group collection,
mood board,
A couple of illustrations
I've finally done my illustrations for the group collection project!

My Outfit

Meral's Outfit

Anchee's Outfit
I created this effect by drawing and painting bits my hand then scanning it into photoshop filling parts of the garment with scanned in fabrics that i define pattern and fill on photoshop. wack on some filters and change contrast and what not and there you have it! simple. time consuming but simple really.

The Whole lot
Emma Box,
fashion student,
group collection,
Another shot...
From Alexander Jordan's Project i helped out on. This is one from the evening shoot...

Check out his blog and his website links are down the side of the page!
I have ALOT of work to get done today and tomorrow! butttt i don't think an all nighter is going to be necessary this project, hopefully, woop!
Alexander Jordan,
Charlie Oscar,
Emma Box,
fashion student,
Photo shoot,
More shoot with Alexander Jordan...
Helped with some more styling for Alexander Jordan's latest project, continued from last weeks. Did a few shots in the day and have just been out to get some night time shots with the scooter! Heres one of the images from earlier today...

Was fun day! we had a BBQ mid shooting, good times.
Alexander Jordan,
Charlie Oscar,
Emma Box,
Photo shoot,
Rebecca Blanchard's Shoot
I just received the images from the shoot done by Rebecca Blanchard for her magazine project using my jacket! they look really well done!...

I love the Lighting and the colours!
Black widow,
fashion student,
Photo shoot,
the cut
Marketing Report
I managed to spend ages printing and trimming the pages for the marketing report today before i got to spend some time in the sun! I'm too cheap to go and get it printed professionally for this project so I've just done it myself! i used a few different papers and some acetate and i think its looking pretty cool so far!

Now its time to whack out my illustrations! think I'm gonna be up till the early hours doing them! then once they are done i can finish my sketchbook and do some hand stitching and every things ready to hand in i think! eeek! last weekend of the year! Shoot for Alexander Jordan tomorrow with charlie again! should be fun times!
Alexander Jordan,
Emma Box,
fashion student,
group collection
So while i wait for the email containing the Marketing report words so i can make that i thought id set up a new myspace to go alongside this blog! I'm still trying to make it snazzy so once its done ill post up the URL.

Also i have a couple more backstage pictures from last weeks shoot...

This picture below shows the make-up pretty well! we chose to use a brown shadow on the eye with a liner of black some fake eyelashes and white eyeliner which gives it a softer effect!

Doesn't she look pretty!
I have been asked by Alexander jordan to help style another shoot for him and Charlie Oscar same thing as the previous one we did the other day but gonna do a few more looks n maybe get some shots at night with the scooter! should be fun!
Got to go to sassoon tomorrow for a consultation for this shoot find out what ill have done to my hair and make-up exciting! hope its gonna be good!
group collection,
Photo shoot,
vidal sassoon
Marketing report
I've got to sit and finish the groups marketing report today! i hope it doesn't take me tooo long! I can not wait to hand in next tuesday! It's going to be the best day i cant believe that will be year two over with!
Emma Box,
fashion student,
group collection
Naomi Styles
Had a busy day! did lotsa work with my group in the library then did a shoot for a friend! Shoot was for a magazine that is to be produced by Topshop the theme was pretty girly and flowery! so it was hard because that soooo not me! was fun though! Ended the day by cooking a meal for my boyfriend!

After spending all afternoon on the computer i got to have a nice evening in london! went to oxford street first and bought that american apparel leotard i'd been wanting for ages! looks so nice! i just had to get it!
Someone else from vidal sassoon approached me in topshop about doing a photo shoot for them so ill get a cut and colour for it and a make up artist from vogue will be doing my make-up and the sassoon casting director will be their to sort it so seems more fun than what I've been doing so i said id do that instead of the other stuff! I have to go in one day this week to sort out what I'm gonna have done with the hair and make-up and so they can take a Polaroid etc so hopefully that will be fun!
Rebecca on promotion said the shoot went well with my jacket in on friday! so i should hopefully get a couple of photos from that by the end of the week! My housemate should be using my jacket from the collection in a shoot tomorrow also so that should be cool!
Busy day tomorrow gotta meet with my group and try and get this marketing report and promotion booklet done! Also modeling for a friend on promotion for her magazine! hope that goes ok! Then cooking for the boyfriend in the evening!
life is pretty good at the moment. lets hope it stays that way for a while!!
American Apparel,
Emma Box,
fashion student,
Photo shoot,
vidal sassoon
Editing pictures...
is so boring sometimes! have alot to do this week before hand in! i hope i can manage it all! i cant believe thats second year almost done with! We will be getting our brief for the final collection soon! FUCK! Hopefully tomorrow i will have the main layout for the Marketing report and look book done so then i can carry on with my own stuff! Off into london soon, my aunty is down for work so we are going for something to eat which should be a nice break! I'll have to carry on with the work when i get back though. I can't wait till summer!
Emma Box,
fashion student,
group collection,
Photo shoot,
playing around
I have to make a look book and a marketing report for the promotion side of the group collection so i spent last night playing around with the images from the shoot to come up with different things to include in the layout.

Heres something i did, dunno if i'll use it at all but just playing around with different ideas.
last week of the project!! gosh!!
Emma Box,
fashion student,
group collection,
Photo shoot,
Heres a new image from the shoot the other day just spent a while playing around with it on photoshop.

Hope you like!
Emma Box,
group collection,
Photo shoot
Todays Shoot for Alexander Jordan
We had a little lie in this morning and started getting ready for the shoot around half eleven it started to rain as i got the iron making us a little concerned, but luckily it was a just a small shower and did'nt get in the way of the shoot! I printed of the different looks so Jordan could pick his favourites packed the clothing away and off we went for a fun day of shooting!

Charlie did a great job and had the perfect look that was needed! The wind wasnt too fun to work in though! Take a look at a couple of Jordan's Images...

He never fails to produce something Great!
Alexander Jordan has just been shortlisted for a photography contest so if your liking his work please go and vote for him here in the Luxsure Photo Contest
Alexander Jordan,
Charlie Oscar,
Emma Box,
fashion student,
Photo shoot,
Charlie Oscar
I've been asked to style a shoot for Alexander Jordan tomorrow so i have spent the evening piecing outfits together with fabulous model Charlie and my lovely assistant Katie-Anne!

We are confident he will do a good job!
Alexander Jordan,
Charlie Oscar,
fashion student,
Photo shoot,
Sneak Peak...
I thought i would upload a sneak peak from yesterdays shoot untill i edit the best ones tonight

I just love the effect the photographer created with the movement! and the our lovely model Jenna did a fantastic job!
Emma Box,
fashion student,
group collection,
Photo shoot,
Todays Shoot
So today was the day of the group collection photo shoot! was alot of work to get there but its deff been worth it! I've not slept much this week coz ive been busy sewing away but I've eneded it with chilla night drinking with friends! I had to post a few behind the scenes pics though before i upload the edited images from the shoot! we had an amazing photographer come in for us and im really happy with the effects she created works so well with our theme!
The day started pretty early! we had planned to get Jordan's shoot done today but models can be pretty unreliable so 9.30 came and we only had one when minimum needed really was 2! so the clothes came out for no reason and it had to be rescheduled to Saturday! which is probably better as it means i can actually be there!
I'm so happy our collection has been shot and shot well! I hopefully will have edited the best pictures by tomorrow so i will post them up as soon as i can! as for now check out some iphone snaps from behind the scenes...

Heres a quick snap of our fabulous model jenna in my outfit, cant really see the detail from the phone though as its too dark, buttt you get the idea!

First few shots in my outfit

Here is a shot taken with Jenna wearing Meral's outfit from the group.

It was such a fun shoot and i think we managed to get some really strong shots and the collection came really well together in the end! was so much better than i thought it would be so over all I'm really pleased!
group collection,
Photo shoot
So I've been working non-stop the past couple of days trying to get my outfit finished for the group collection project at uni! I have made the hardest Jacket everrr lots of leather and fringing! looks pretty effective though!

Heres a crappy snap on my iphone

hmmm hopefully will look good styled on the model tomorrow!
I sent my 'Black Widow' jacket away with a lovely Fashion Promotion student today, i can't wait to see the pics from her shoot it will be interesting to see how someone else interprets it without any of my direction.
I've also been helping my boyfriend photographer Alexander Jordan with finding models and clothes for his editorial tomorrow was going to be 2 male models and 1 female model but models cancelled so its ending up a menswear shoot with my friend Charlie Patterson modeling with his scooter! He's only 17, but i think he has a great look for it! Have a suitcase of clothes to arrange into looks in the morning! its a shame the two shoots clashed so i prob wont get to see much of Jordan's shoot but hopefully it all goes well! It's only 2.13 in the morning and I'm gonna go to bed! i thought i'd still have so much more to do but today has gone surprisingly well! Had to cancel on sassoon though :( my hair is a mess as well! never mind hopefully rearrange it for next week!
Anyway busy day tomorrow with a very early start!
Alexander Jordan,
group collection,
Photo shoot,
slowly but surely...
getting there. Its taken me a long time to get my jacket done and I've still got the collar to do :( I think it has actually been the hardest thing i have ever had to sew. I have even almost shed a few tears! I'm actually feeling like death so i don't think I'm gonna be able to handle an all nighter as planned. i think i will manage tomorrow to get everything done. well i will have to.
Sassoon isn't looking likely! I'd post some pics but i don't like people to really see my work until its actually finished!
Shoot on thursday!

Think we are gonna do somehting like this around the hair with really big dark eyes showing through...thanks Giles!!
Emma Box,
fashion student,
Long day...
Migraines that give you double vision do not help when trying to use an overlocker on jersey. I don't advise it! Gosh I still have a lot to get done I want to get everything pretty much done tonight so i just have finishing off to do tomorrow before I go to Sassoon. I hope I don't have to cancel on them! I think I may go for a rest till 6 then get straight back on the work. hmm sleep or eat??
Emma Box,
fashion student,
Lotsa Fringing...
...has kinda drove me crazy tonight! my eyes cant handle it! It's taken me quite a few hours to stitch all the fringing down and make the shoulder pieces to my jacket! i think its been worth it though! looks pretty effective so far! Photo shoot on thursday! flip! early start tomorrow!

Relentless anyone?
till tomorrow, goodnight.
Emma Box,
fashion student,
group collection,
pattern cutting,
Photo shoot,
Little Boots for Notion Magazine
I had a nice day in london today bought a couple of new things including a bargain watch, which is plastic and chunky! and managed to get hold of the new copy of Notion magazine which includes the shoot i assisted on for Little Boots. My scanner is broken so ive just taken a couple of snaps with my iphone's crappy camera...

There you go a couple of pics but if you want to see the rest and see them properly you will have to go buy one! Look out for my name in the 'Special Thanks To' section at the beginning and under 'Fashion Assistants' in the shoots credits.

Hope you like!
Cutting out...
Starting to work on my jacket for the group collection. Just cutting out my pieces i make such a mess!

I hope i can get the shell of it done today! The fringing i can see is going to be difficult. Wish me luck!
Emma Box,
fashion student,
pattern cutting,
Busy week ahead...
I have such a busy week ahead of me! I've got to finish making my garments for the group collection which i really need to get onto big time today and tomorrow! I have to style and shoot the collection and also style a shoot for Alexander Jordan! Then I have to be at Sassoon on weds night and on friday and model in my friends shoot for her magazine flip i don't even know what times and days all of these things are happening somethings gonna have to be cancelled I'm sure! but hopefully not! I do like a busy week!
Alexander Jordan,
Emma Box,
fashion student,
Photo shoot,
Vidal Sassoon
For a few months now I've been doing some hair modeling for Vidal sassoon on bond street. I kinda avoided doing it for a bit as i wanted to grow my hair for a change from the slight variations of bowl cuts they'd been giving me. I've been asked to go in on wednesday evening for a new cut ready for a demonstration on friday. I hope i don't get another bowl cut.
Emma Box,
hair modeling,
vidal sassoon
A few more...
My housemates are all at work tonight so i got bored and edited a few more of the pics...

Fun times!
Black widow,
Emma Box,
fashion student,
Lauren Pelling,
Photo shoot
Lauren's Shoot
My friend Lauren is in the process of making a magazine atm for her latest uni project, she asked me to model in a shoot for her and used my jacket for one of the looks so i have some pics of my Black Widow Jacket now! heres a few of my favourites...

Hope you like!?
Black widow,
Emma Box,
fashion student,
the cut
Business Cards Came
Received my business cards in the post today! So impressed with the quality i love them! I'll hopefully get the images back from the shoots the other day tomorrow so i'll post them up! Just got a message from a girl on promotion asking to use my jacket for a shoot for her magazine so I'm excited to see what she will do with that as she has done some amazing shoots!
Business cards,
Photo shoot
The nicest surprise!
One of my housemates has been on an exchange in Paris and has just returned for the weekend and surprised us! I was awoken by screaming housemates crawled out of bed with major confusion to find Miss Carla Grima standing at the bottom of the stairs!
Lots to do this week! Plan of actin for tomorrow...SEW SEW SEW!!
Carla Grima,
Had a pretty busy day today! did some shoots for some friends and got to use my jackets in two which is cool coz then i can use the pictures! Looking forward to seeing the ones with my black jacket! hopefully there will be some good ones!

Group Project isn't going as well as it was. Not all the outfits are completed yet. Tutor kinda crucified us today! Mines done though, so thats all I'm bothered about right now. Gonna be starting sewing on the final one tomorrow!
Didn't get chance to pick up a copy of Notion today hopefully my housemate will manage to get me one tomorrow!
Black widow,
Notion Magazine,
Photo shoot,
the cut
Notion Magazine
I assisted on a shoot with littleboots for Notion Magazine a little while ago! just found out its on sale now! gonna have to purchase that tomorrow!

Trip to WH Smiths is in order tomorrow then!

Shoot Tomorrow
My friend has asked me to model for her shoot tomorrow which will be used in her magazine and she will be using my black widow jacket! Ooohh exciting! some new pics to add to the portfolio! just packed a big bag full of clothes for different looks!
Hopefully I'll have quite a few updates this week! couple of shoots, another review, and ill be making my garments for the group collection!
Emma Box,
fashion student,
Just got back...
... from a trip to Shepherds Bush to buy fabrics for the group collection! spent a lot of money, whoops. I also bought myself a couple of fabrics for personal use! hope to whip up a couple of things this week! ill keep you posted! but first I'm going on a girls night out to have lotsa fun and get very wasted! LOVE IT!
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